Friday, April 6, 2012


Sorry it's been a while since I've updated this thing- as you can imagine it's been a busy month! We had so much fun with everyone that came down to visit! It was great spending time with family and showing them around. We spent tons of time in the parks and I think everyone was pretty much exhausted at the end of the trip. I think the pictures will speak for themselves so I'll post the link to my facebook album with all of the photos.

Disney Family Vacation photo album

It was awesome to experience "the first visit" for Gracie, Kenny and my parents. Everything in Disney World is extra magical when you're seeing it for the first time. The girls got to meet some of their favorite characters... including Ariel and Prince Eric- so of course I got to meet them too! Dream come true. :) Leanna rode lots of roller coasters while they were here.. she's quite a dare devil now! I believe one of the best things about the whole experience was actually Kenny's reaction to everything. So, those of you who don't know- Kenny was convinced that Disney was "not fun" and just for little kids. Every time Alex and I would talk about how wonderful this place is after each trip he remained a non-believer. I can't tell you how many times I heard him say "I wouldn't have any fun there." Boy, did he eat his words. He absolutely loved it. After their first day in Magic Kingdom he said over and over again "I love Disney World!" And this is the happiest place on Earth! He's even ready to move here- no joke. He was like a little kid throughout their whole visit. Well, a little kid that was also able to enjoy margaritas and German beer in Epcot. haha

Right now, Jesse, Hunter and Will are down here. We got to spend time with them earlier this week. Unfortunately since the crowds are so crazy down here this week there is a block out for cast members so we weren't able to go to the parks with them. Alex was able to spend a little time with them in Animal Kingdom this morning. We also got to Skype with Dan in Chile a few days ago while we were all together. It was great to see all of them.
Basically, we had the BEST time with everyone while they were here. The month of March just flew by.. I can't believe it's already April. It's going to be really weird not going to Ma-maw and Pa-paw's house on Easter. We will definitely miss the Easter egg hunt and dinner and seeing all of the family. I hate being away from family, especially on holidays. Luckily, I think this is the only holiday we will be missing. Happy Easter, everyone!